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Autism/ ADHD support

The challenges that can go with a neurodivergent mind are many...
For some, it is predominantly in executive functioning... starting, maintaining, finishing... simple tasks... or great new projects... or understanding that inexplicable inability to complete (or even SEE) 'simple' day to day chores... 
For many... emotional dysregulation features heavily... struggling with overwhelm whilst attempting to function in 'normal' situations. 
There are a myriad of features within the spectrum of a neurodivergent profile... time blindness... emotional outbursts... lack of social 'etiquette'... anxiety... rejection sensitivity... avoidance of anything that 'ought' to be done...

They will be uniquely personal to you... but, whatever the mixture, they have possibly been a source of ongoing stress, or emotional pain, or even damage, and some of you may have fought desperately to hide traits, or to master 'failings', throughout your life. 

Intellectual ability plays no part in neurodivergent profiling. These operating challenges are not a sign of failed intelligence. 

My role then is to bring resources, information, strategies and support, that we can tailor specifically to you...
to be an understanding, non judgmental presence alongside you... and provide informed support however you need it... to cope, to thrive, and to find the strategies that enable you to navigate your best life as a neurodivergent person (in a world perhaps designed more for neurotypical minds). 

Being neurodivergent can certainly  be challenging - but it can also be fun, and unique, creative, exciting, and utterly individual. 

Coming to terms with a late diagnosis or realisation of ASD or ADHD (or both) is a profound experience and throws up many emotions. These can include relief and a sense of acknowledgement, even vindication. But it can also bring with it a deep sense of loss and grief, with new understandings of the past, personal choices, and sometimes new vulnerabilities and challenges...

For some, diagnosis or realisation can lead to unexpectedly heightened emotional dysregulation.
There may also be NEW questions about what the heck we're meant to do with this new understanding and self awareness!

Having someone with you,  with knowledge and personal understanding of these feelings and stages, to help with resources, with steps and planning, to cope with a potentially reactive nervous system and mental overwhelm, can be not just valuable, but life saving. 
You don't have to do this alone!

"Thank you for your compassionate and gentle presence, incredible listening and attunement. It has touched me deeply." Hugh - Therapist
"I didn’t know what to expect and it has been an incredible, actually life-changing experience." Kate - Choreographer
“Trust has returned to me through the work I’ve done with Simon.” Annie - Psychologist
"I just seem to have freed up the energy to be inspired and can go through the process of completing a painting." Sally - Artist
"All my life I longed for this feeling" Halil - Graphic Artist

Book a call to see what would support you right now

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